Saturday, September 12, 2009

Get Well Mrs. Strong

My class this year is adorable. Enough Said.
I have been sick with the flu...yes the FLU...for a week now. I have been in the ER twice, missed my best friends wedding on Wednesday, have thrown up every day pretty much on the hour since Tuesday night, have had a fever, been to tired to function property, have cried for no reason, had to make sub plans everyday for a week, and have not had real food in a very long time, and to top it all off have not been to the gym. This flu has to go away!

But one thing will never change...
I have the best husband in the world. He had the flu too, he got it first, which has made the whole week even more fun (ha ha) because we were pretty miserable together. But through it all, he still brought me Gatorade when I asked, held my hair back when I threw up, cleaned the bathroom, still told me he loved me often, still held me at night when I couldn't sleep, and even let me watch the Little Mermaid twice! He is the best! I love you William.

But sweetheart lets never get sick at the same time EVER again!

1 comment:

The Wi Family said...

Yuck! That is no fun! But I'm super impressed that your hubby is so good at helping you when he's sick too....all the men I know don't do sick very well :) You are a very lucky lady!!! Feel Better both of you!!!