Saturday, October 2, 2010

G-chat on Gmail

This week one of my students came up to me and said "I have a great idea for Will!" He was so excited and once he told me the idea I had to let Will know. So I had Joe get onto "G-Chat" and talk to Will. The conversation went like this:
Joe is typing as "me" in the conversation.

Joe Paez is going to talk to you
here he is...
Will: Cool
Hi Joe.
me: you shoud do a monster bande
Will: Playing guitar and drums and stuff?
me: yes
Will: Ha, cool.
me: and a singer
Will: Yeah.
For sure.
me: ok
Will: Is that what you want to spend your tickets on?
me: yes!!!!!!!!
Will: hahahahahahahaha
How about I start drawing it this weekend?
me: I have 42 tickets
Will: Wow!
Joe, that's fantastic.
Mrs. Strong has been telling me how well you are doing in class.
but I didn't know it was that good.
Way to go.
me: I know
Will: Cool.
I'll start doing some sketches this weekend.
I'll post them on my blog so you can see.
me: and can you do a monster scatbouding
Will: What's a scatbouding?
me: scateboarding
Will: Oh, skateboarding.
Got it.
I can do that one after the band.
Sent at 12:03 PM on Thursday
me: will I got to go to lunch and after lunch I will be mite be back ok
Will: Okay.
Have a good lunch.
me: you are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:]
Will: hahahahaha
I think you're pretty awesome too.
me: see you later bye dude
Will: Bye

This conversation made Joe's day. He was bragging all day about how he got to talk to Will. It was awesome and I am so glad for modern technology to allow this 5 minute conversation to happen and make the day of one of my students.


Will Strong said...

Joe is a good kid. I was glad to do it.

Emily said...

awesome x 3