Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Break

Fall Break was so fun this year. I got to spend 4 full days with Will. It was awesome! I know why I fell in love with him, life could not be better!
Will's parents were in town watching Bailey and Hayden while their parents were on a trip for their 10th wedding anniversary in Hawaii. We did a lot of fun stuff with them including a dinner out with the rest of the family, a trip to the BYU creamery, and a trip to the Springville Art Museum.
Will and I also got a chance to go to the BODY WORLDS exhibit in Salt Lake, which if you have not gone it is AWESOME! I didn't get any pictures because they don't allow cameras in the exhibit, but here is the website.

Here is a collection of pictures from the weekend:
Mark and Brooklyn at Mark's baby blessing.
Dinner and Fire!
One of my favorite illustrations at the art museum.
Just cute!
Will, Bailey and I all have matching VANS and Bailey got a picture of us all wearing them.
Hanging around in the art museum was a blast! Can't you see the smile!
This was the coolest water sculpture and Hayden almost got dunked by Will, but was saved by his sister at the last second!

Grandpa was such a good sport, he read to Bailey and Brooklyn the whole time while Grandma, Will and I walked around and talked about all of the illustrators.

Grandpa and Grandma had to go home but Will and I could not be more excited to see them over Christmas. I am ready to be in California!


Will Strong said...

I may be boring but I love exhibits and museums.

Take the kids to the Springville museum of art to see the picture book show (there is story time with the illustrators on Saturdays.)

Don't take the kids to Body Worlds. The show is amazing but it may spark up conversations that you don't want to have for a few years (like how men and women are anatomically different.) Plus people with no skin might just scare them into the next decade.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I wish i could have been there! Can't wait till Christmas!