Wednesday, October 8, 2008

School Pictures

Who remembers SCHOOL PICTURE DAY? Who remembers HATING school picture day?
Who recalls the people taking the pictures telling stupid jokes like:
Why was the turtle shy? ...He was scared to come out of his shell. (Really, this is supposed to make you smile...)

I started teaching five years ago. I thought that my days of school pictures were over. But alas, no. They take pictures of the teachers now too. Which wouldn't be that bad except that they give us a complimentary package of 8x10's, 5x7's, 2x3's, wallets, and stickers - oh yeah and this year they threw in some weird colored trimmed picture, and a black & white beauty. Honestly, who do I give these pictures to?

So as the teacher of a cute bunch of 6th graders... on picture day I truly know what it is like to feel like one of them.

Here is the 2008 Mrs. Tiffany Strong:


Emily said...

awwww cute. i'd like 4 wallets please.

Will Strong said...

Awwwwwwwwww, you look just like one of the sixth graders. Just adorable. I especially like the speckily edge. Can we put it up on our fridge?

Rosie said...

You look so cute! Even though they all look the same through the years, your name was different this year!!

Our Family said...

So have you changed in the last five years? We have a collection of Doug's pictures too and I think we get more of him (because they are free) than we do of our kids. Crazy, huh?