Saturday, March 21, 2009

Desk clean out is so much fun!

You would not believe how messy a 12-year-old desk could get. About once a month I have to allow my students about 30 minutes to clean, disinfect, and organize their desks. You would like to think the students would want to keep their desk neat so that they could find things like their homework, notebooks, and pencils.
This month was especially exciting! As we cleaned the students found notes from the first day of school, old food, candy, gum wrappers, toys, and tons of trash. I thought I would document some of these great moments in "the life" of a messy 6th grade desk.

I am sorry I don't have more pictures. I started taking pictures WAY to late in the whole process. Just wait for the end of the year desk clean out - that is going to be picture worthy.


Rachel said...

Sick. I hate cleaning out desks because of the surprises. You don't even want to know what I found in Riley's desk...

Will Strong said...

Old food? Yeeeeecght! It's no wonder that sixth-graders smell a bit funny.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised,last year when my class cleaned out our desks, we even found a few bugs.