Friday, April 23, 2010


William McLean Strong III*, Graduate 2010
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Brigham Young University

Will is done. Oh happy day!
It has been a joyous weekend. I am so proud of my amazingly talented husband. Thank you Mom and Dad Strong for coming and spending the weekend with us, we love you dearly and enjoyed the whole time you were here. Especially when you came into my classroom and brought treats to my 6th graders. That was the best!


*At convocation Will thought it would be funny to add "the III" to his name. Who knows who the "I" and the "II" is?

Now on to the real world and being a grown up!


Will Strong said...

I guess I got a bit restless waiting up there on the stage to get my diploma. I think it sounds distinguished: William McLean Strong III. Like the duke of somewhere. Or the lord of someplace.

Emily said...

Congrats! Although I'm not so sure growing up is in the plans...