Saturday, February 21, 2009

"The dog ate it"

As a teacher I hear the best, I mean best excuses for NOT doing homework. I get it all. Here are some of my favorites:
I lost it fighting this kid you said you weren't the best teacher in the school
I was mugged on the way to school and the mugger took everything I had (I live in Provo Utah, come on really?)
Our puppy toilet trained on it
Some aliens from outer space borrowed it so they could study how the human brain worked
I put it in a safe, but lost the combination
I loaned it to a friend, but he suddenly moved away
Our furnace stopped working and we had to burn it to stop ourselves from freezing
I left it in my shirt and my mother put it in the washing machine
I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to your already heavy workload (They are 6th graders, they don't have that much homework, this might work in high school)
My little sister ate it

I really do love teaching not only because I get to enrich the lives of so many wonderful children, but because some days are like watching a live stand up comedy act for free.


Laurel said...

These are so funny. I love the one about burning it to keep from freezing, but I have to admit, I could almost believe the one about the mother washing it. Sounds like something I might have done. :)

Sam and Terri said...

Tiff, Hello!!! I am so glad you found our blog, you have officially been added to our list. We've missed you. Hopefully this will help us stay in touch better.

Cute blog. And very funny post.

Emily said...

C'mon, haven't you used the mugging excuse?

Will Strong said...

"My little sister ate it?"

Ha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahha.

I would believe that of some little sisters.