Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The final cut...6th grade style

Today was 6th grade graduation. It was a hard one for me because I am very attached to this group of students. They have been through a lot with me this school year and I owe a lot to them for making me smile on a daily basis.
Will gets a huge award today for being such a supportive and amazing husband. He was at school with me the whole day. Helped do the music, slide show set up, clean my room, file my grades, count attendance, and all the little things that I needed help with.
Will also surprised me with the First Season of THE JETSONS on DVD. Wow! This was better than flowers for sure! The Jetsons are the best cartoon show ever. I would wake up everyday in elementary school and watch two episodes for 6am to 7am before I had to get ready for school. I know every line, to almost every episode, and still Will doesn't mind me saying the words out loud while we watch.
What a way to end the school year!

Will and I went to Thanksgiving point on Monday, Memorial Day, to walk around in the beautiful weather. I have some pictures to show how amazing the gardens are at this time of year!


Laurel said...

I always cry at promotions and graduations - even when I don't know anyone. All it takes is the opening measure from Pomp and Circumstance to set me off. If I were the teacher, I'd be a mess.

Will Strong said...

You can't tell just by the photo but those columns were falling down and I pushed them back into place with my bare hands. I saved that gazebo's life and it didn't even say thank you.