Monday, July 7, 2008

Plan Books

A plan book is a very important part of a teachers life. It is not only what goes on during the day, but it is birthday's, events, and lists of EVERYTHING that happens during the school year. When you see a teacher with a plan books you should think through you head: "WOW! That is a lot of important stuff sitting in her lap - she not only keeps track of her own life, but the life of at least 20 others." A plan book is like the BIBLE of the TEACHER!
The other teach that I work with has lost his on multiple occasions and honestly it is stressful for not only his life, but his families, his students, and the rest of his 6th grade teachers! Sometimes I think I should put a tracking device on his planner to make sure that it is always just a few beeps away!
Anyways...the reason I am even posting anything about a plan book is because I started making my own two years ago. It is so much better. I get to organize my plan book the way I want to!
This way I also get to design the cover page and also add anything else I need into my book.
I always put a Calvin and Hobbs comic on the cover. It is for those days when I want to through the plan book out the window - or at a student if the case might be. (I promise I am not violent)
This is the Cover this year and let me just say it is pretty exciting!

Mrs. Strong's Plan Book


Bre said...

that is so fun! I just finished my plan book for this coming year too. What a fun idea to do calvin and hobbes...I LOVE that comic.

Rachel said...

Brilliant! I have the hardest time finding a plan book that is perfect to me. I already have one for this year, but next summer I'm coming to you to help me make one! Seriously, my plan book never leaves my side. We are best buds all year long. Can't wait to see you soon, love you!

ps- i know exactly how you feel about killing a student, and that does not mean we are violent at all!